
Injection Molding

Ready for a more cost- and time-efficient way to manufacture parts? Our affordable aluminum molds (starting at $1,000) and quick turnaround times (in as fast as 1 day) help you reduce design risks and limit overall production costs along every step of the product cycle.Learn More »

Blow Molding

BEPL has the ability and expertise to create and develop blow-molded containers and associated injection-molded components of almost any size and shape for packaging or promotional programs, from inception to destination.Learn More »

Over Molding & Insert Molding

Our rapid overmolding and insert molding processes produce custom prototypes and on-demand production parts in as fast as 15 days. We use aluminum molds that offer cost-efficient tooling, producing parts from a range of thermoplastic and liquid silicone rubber materials.Learn More »

OEM Services

Founded on the ability to provide exceptional, customized service and solutions for original equipment manufacturers, BEPL incorporates global engineering teams, test labs, and ISO manufacturing facilities to support low lead times for custom product development and production.Learn More »
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